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Cost of Home

Families all across the United States are paying too high a price to cover the cost of home.

Rent and homeownership costs are skyrocketing, while wages are not keeping pace. Everywhere you look—cities, suburbs, rural areas—the stability that home should bring remains out of reach for too many families.

At Houston Habitat for Humanity, we know that a family should never have to spend more than 30 percent of their income on a home. But today nearly 19 million U.S. households pay half or more of their income on a place to live. In Texas, 1 in 7 households spend more than half of their income on housing. That means 1 in 7 families are denied the personal and economic stability that safe, decent and affordable housing provides. Instead, 1 in 7 families are forced to make impossible choices.

We have to take a stand and declare our commitment. This is why Houston Habitat for Humanity is joining Habitat for Humanity affiliates across the country in our first advocacy campaign, Cost of Home.

Over the next five years, we commit to mobilizing our partners, our volunteers and our community members to find the solutions and help create the policies that will allow families access to shelter. We will work to ensure that no family has to pay more than half of their paycheck to cover the cost of home.

Support Houston Habitat for Humanity and help us make the #CostOfHome something we all can afford.

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