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facts about veterans

The National Low Income Housing Coalition finds that 2.5 million veterans heading households are at least 55 years of age. Of those 2.5 million veterans, 24 percent have housing cost burdens. Unlike our older civilians, our older veterans are more likely to have a disability — 35 percent versus 28 percent — which may require home modifications, health and other supportive services as they age.

In addition, nearly 4 million of our veterans pay at least 30 percent of their income toward rent or mortgage, while more than 1.5 million pay at least 50 percent. As you can imagine, using half of your income to pay your rent or mortgage is an enormous strain on any budget.

Donate to the Veterans Build Program

Five focus areas



Safe, decent, affordable housing is the centerpiece of Veterans Build. With support from the community, we are providing opportunities for veteran families to grow in energy-efficient, accessible homes.


We value skill sets gained from your military service. We hire veterans to work at Houston Habitat as employees, AmeriCorps members, and interns. You can find current Houston Habitat employment opportunities on our Careers page.

Volunteer Engagement

We provide volunteer experiences that bring together veterans, military families and their neighbors. These experiences help bridge the gap and ease the transition to civilian life with fulfilling community engagement. Visit our VolunteerHub to learn more about our volunteer opportunities.


We offer financial education programs. These courses support successful homeownership among veteran and military homeowners. We also train Houston Habitat staff to understand military culture better, creating effective communication with veterans and military families.


Throughout the year, we host and attend special events that pay tribute to veterans, raise awareness and mobilize volunteers. We invite you to join one of our events.



opportunities for veterans


Continued Service through Habitat Volunteering

Veteran volunteers can opt to contribute their volunteer hours to the Veterans Sweat Equity Bank. Hours are stored in the bank until a veteran family partner applies to use them. The veteran family can reduce up to half of their volunteer sweat equity requirements through this program. Veteran volunteers may receive a thank you note from a partner family who has benefited from the program, and are sent invitations to Veterans Build events and the veteran family’s home dedication.

If you are a veteran and would like help a veteran family achieve the dream of homeownership, then create VolunteerHub account or sign in, check yes to the veteran volunteer program question on your profile page, and sign up for a build or ReStore volunteer opportunity.

Veterans Build

With the help of community sponsors, we are able to build homes for veterans. When available, individuals and group volunteers can sign up to build on veteran homes through VolunteerHub.

If you are interested in becoming a Veterans Build sponsor, then please contact David M. Soto, Individual Giving and Veterans Build Manager, at 713-671-9993 ext. 218 or

Not able to sponsor, but still want to support the Veterans Build program? We are honored to receive any amount. Thank you!

ReStore Discount

All U.S. veterans receive 10% off at both Houston Habitat for Humanity ReStore locations with valid ID!

Click here for more information about the ReStores.

donate to veterans build

More Veteran Resources

Houston Habitat cares about our veterans. Please find more resources below:

VA Disability CalculatorVA Disability Appeals